Probe Tube Placement
2016 | International Journal of Audiology | Extended bandwidth real-ear measurement accuracy and repeatability to 10 kHz | Vaisberg, J. M., Macpherson, E. A., Scollie, S. D |
2019 | Hearing Review | Evaluation of Probe Guide: Software-Assisted Probe Tube Placement in Hearing Aid Fittings | Folkeard, P., Pumford, J., Pietrobon, J., Scollie, S. |
2016 | Canadian Audiologist | Comparing Probe Tube Placements and Frequency Averaging in the Ear Canal Up To 10 kHz | Vaisberg, J. et al. |
Ask the Expert
2008 | Audiology Online | Strategies for Inserting a Probe Tube into an Infant’s Ear | Bagatto, M., Moodie, S. T. |
2023 | Audioscan | Probe Tube Insertion Depth Guidelines for Real-Ear Measures in Infants and Children | Beh, K., Bagatto, M., Venkatesan, B., Pumford, J., Scollie, S. |
2019 | Audioscan | Validation of the Audioscan Verifit2 Probe Tube Placement Tool. | Folkeard, P., Pumford, J., Pietrobon, J., Scollie, S. |
2019 | Audioscan | Application of real time recurrent neural networks for estimating probe tube insertion depth. | Pietrobon, J., Pumford, J., Folkeard, P., McInerney, C. |
2020 | Audioscan | ProbeGUIDE | Audioscan |
2015 | Audioscan | Probe Tube Placement | Audioscan |
2023 | Audiology Online | Hearing Aid Verification: Tools and Techniques to Simplify the Process, Save Time, and Improve Patient Outcomes | Pumford, J. |